Infinity AI is now LemonSlice
Hey there! 👋 We’ve changed our name. Infinity AI is now Lemon Slice 🍋.
Lemon Slice (formerly Infinity AI) is the same great video tool, now at a new address: www.lemonslice.com
Why “Lemon Slice”?
😃 A lemon slice resembles a smiling mouth. We focus on talking characters. This visual connection is an obvious reason for our name. Using Lemon Slice, you can make any character talk from just a single image.
🍋 Lemons brighten any dish. Similarly, talking characters breathe life into videos. In fact, we founded this company because we were frustrated by the lack of tools for creating expressive, talking characters. Humans are innately wired to engage with faces that speak. With Lemon Slice, you can easily add expressive, talking characters to any video - from films, to ads, to music videos.
🍸 Lemons are versatile ingredients used in everything from desserts to mains to drinks. Our technology works the same way - adaptable across all visual styles and content types. Whether you're working with paintings or photographs, in the entertainment industry or in education, Lemon Slice works for you.
We have lots of Lemon Drops (new feature releases) coming your way. And we can’t wait to see your Juicy Scenes, Tart Tales, and Zesty Creations come to life! 🍋
PS - Oh… and if you have any lemon-themed puns or branding ideas, we definitely want to hear them. Let us know on Discord.